Cannes Lions + Wetransfer + dubble

The “Questions for the Future” series in partnership with WeTransfer showcases a series of beautiful digital canvases that depict open-ended questions about the future of creativity put forward by LIONS Live speakers.

They asked designers from the LIONS Creative Studio to produce artistic interpretations of these questions which live as wallpapers on 

No rules, no brand guidelines. No… well, OK, there was a brief. But aside from that: pure creative freedom and a blank canvas for fresh ideas. Take a moment to explore the artwork and the reasoning behind each of the questions.

I led the international disabled creative team at dubble and we produce a Wetransfer wallpaper and social assets within a week. It was available to view for 3 months.

Wetransfer Wallpaper designed by dubble artists:  Sabrina TirvengadumJohn-James LaidlowSarah VitbergStephanie Jo, and Madeleine Bianchi

Digital portrait of Sabrina Tirvengadum
