Disability is Diversity

Disabled people make up more than 20% of the population, but only 2% of on-screen characters have disabilities. Less than 1% of writers in Hollywood are disabled.

Disability is Diversity is the first advertising campaign created by an all-disabled creative team and I had the opportunity to part of the team. The Campaign pressures entertainment industry players to explicitly include disability in every diversity, equity, and inclusion conversation and strategy.

Image Description: Bold text over a bright green and turquoise gradient background that reads “Disability is diversity." In the bottom right-hand corner there is black text that reads "Powered by Inevitable Foundation"
Image Description: Bold text over a pink, yellow and orange background reads "Dear entertainment industry, there is no diversity, equity, and inclusion without disability."
Image Description: A headshot of Sabrina Tirvengadum, a brown-skinned woman with mid-length dark brown wavy hair and dark brown eyes. She is directly facing the camera and smiling. She's wearing a red wool hat with white details spelling out WAH in British Sign Language. To the right is text that reads "Sabrina Tirvengadum (she/her) is a British-Mauritian deaf multidisciplinary visual artist and designer. Sabrina’s experiences as a deaf woman who also experiences tinnitus have led her to co-found we’re all human (WAH) which challenges ableism in digital spaces and is fighting to make accessibility the priority for design."
Photo of a billboard on a building that has bold text over a bright pink, orange and yellow gradient background that reads "There's no diversity, equity, and inclusion without disability."

And featured in AdAge and in Variety and you can follow the campaign on social media.
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disabilityisdiversity/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DisabilityisDEI
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/disabilityisdiversity/


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